In certain cases it may be necessary to improve the volume or quality of bone with bone grafting prior to the placement of implants. Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone with a material called a bone graft. The most common grafting procedures in total rehabilitation are described below:
Onlay Graft
This procedure is used to restore bone width in the front of the upper jaw. Bone is taken from the hip or suitable parts of the mouth and transplanted to the deficient jaw. Hip grafts are performed in conjunction with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon under a general anaesthetic in hospital.
Sinus Graft
The sinus graft is today part of routine dental surgical care used to restore bone height in the back of the upper jaw. A bone mineral called Bio-Oss is used in combination with bio-active growth factors derived from your own blood to help grow new bone.

Sinus Graft Procedure:
- The sinus is accessed from inside the mouth and the membrane which lines it is gently elevated
- The Bio-Oss bone graft particles are placed beneath the membrane
- The implant is placed at the time of surgery or after healing
- The grafted bone not only replaces missing bone, but also helps your body regenerate natural bone and improve bone volume for implant placement

Bio-Oss® is a safe and effective bone graft material from specially processed bovine sources. Because of its similarity to human bone, it is highly successful in helping new bone to form.
‘Platelet Rich Plasma’ (PRP) is derived at surgery from your own blood using state-of-the-art equipment. It contains large reservoirs of bio-active growth factors that have the potential to greatly accelerate the normal healing process, naturally. Thanks to such advances in bone regeneration technology, using Bio-Oss® with PRP may eliminate the need for additional surgery to obtain your own bone to use as the graft.