As a parent, taking care of your children’s health includes good dental habits. Teaching your kids how to care for their teeth sets the stage for a lifetime of good oral hygiene. Here’s how to look after your children’s teeth while showing them the way.
Establish Good Habits
What children learn starts at home, and good dental health is no exception. Teach your children how to brush their teeth by showing them how and practising after breakfast and dinner. On average, children should spend two to three minutes brushing per session. When it comes to kids, parents often wonder which toothpaste to use. Try introducing fluoride toothpaste at the age of three for stronger tooth enamel. If your child doesn’t like the taste, find another child-friendly option to better suit their palate.
Practice Healthy Eating
Teaching your kids good eating habits will pay dividends. Not only is good nutrition important for growing bodies, but it’s also crucial for dental health. Limiting sugar and junk food helps prevent tooth decay while healthy foods strengthen enamel and cut down on plaque.

It’s no secret that children like sweets and that some things are out of your control. Teach your kids it’sokay to eat treats on special occasions or enjoy new foods at friends’ houses. Ultimately, children’s eating habits are largely formed at home, so you do have a lot of say. Use that opportunity to their advantage by eating clean from day one.
Make Regular Appointments
Last but not least, good dental care starts with regular appointments! Take your children to the dentist once their teeth come in, which is normally by their first birthday. It’s a good idea to schedule check-ups every six months from then on. Remember that parents are the first line of defence, though dentists are happy to help. We don’t expect you to be experts in children’s dental care. That’s why it’s important for kids to visit the dentist or dental hygienist on a regular basis to spot issues as soon as possible. Keeping your kids healthy is one of our top priorities at the Centre for Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry.
If looking after your children’s teeth has got the better of you, know it’s easier than you think. Good dentistry is mostly a matter of establishing healthy habits for kids like twice-daily brushing, healthy eating and regular check-ups. For anything else, we’d love to help! Give us a call today in case of any paediatric dental questions.